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Version: Canary 🚧

📦 plugin-content-pages

The default pages plugin for Docusaurus. The classic template ships with this plugin with default configurations. This plugin provides creating pages functionality.


npm install --save @docusaurus/plugin-content-pages


If you use the preset @docusaurus/preset-classic, you don't need to install this plugin as a dependency.

You can configure this plugin through the preset options.



Accepted fields:

pathstring'src/pages'Path to data on filesystem relative to site dir. Components in this directory will be automatically converted to pages.
routeBasePathstring'/'URL route for the pages section of your site. DO NOT include a trailing slash.
includestring[]['**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,md,mdx}']Matching files will be included and processed.
excludestring[]See example configurationNo route will be created for matching files.
mdxPageComponentstring'@theme/MDXPage'Component used by each MDX page.
remarkPlugins[]any[]Remark plugins passed to MDX.
rehypePlugins[]any[]Rehype plugins passed to MDX.
beforeDefaultRemarkPluginsany[][]Custom Remark plugins passed to MDX before the default Docusaurus Remark plugins.
beforeDefaultRehypePluginsany[][]Custom Rehype plugins passed to MDX before the default Docusaurus Rehype plugins.

Example configuration

You can configure this plugin through preset options or plugin options.


Most Docusaurus users configure this plugin through the preset options.


If you use a preset, configure this plugin through the preset options:

module.exports = {
presets: [
pages: {
path: 'src/pages',
routeBasePath: '',
include: ['**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,md,mdx}'],
exclude: [
mdxPageComponent: '@theme/MDXPage',
remarkPlugins: [require('remark-math')],
rehypePlugins: [],
beforeDefaultRemarkPlugins: [],
beforeDefaultRehypePlugins: [],


Read the i18n introduction first.

Translation files location

  • Base path: website/i18n/[locale]/docusaurus-plugin-content-pages
  • Multi-instance path: website/i18n/[locale]/docusaurus-plugin-content-pages-[pluginId]
  • JSON files: extracted with docusaurus write-translations
  • Markdown files: website/i18n/[locale]/docusaurus-plugin-content-pages

Example file-system structure


# translations for website/src/pages